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RunRight – Professional Running Coaching In Sydney

Do You Want To Run Faster With Less Effort?
Our unique ‘RunRight’ program is designed to achieve just that.

We can have you enjoying your running more, moving better, improving your performance and reducing your risk of injury with our exclusive 10 week RunRight program. You’ll understand what’s holding you back with your current technique and how it can be corrected. You’ll get to ‘feel’ how to run correctly and we guarantee to make changes in your technique after only one session. Whether you’re training for a 5km fun-run or a marathon you’ll feel lighter, more in control and running faster than you have before.

RunRight Coaching Program, Before and After Videos

During the program every aspect of your running form will be analysed as we help you build a full understanding of your running gait. We’ll talk you through videos of your running technique to help identify your top priorities for improvement. Your focused coaching sessions will transform your running technique to a stronger, more efficient and injury-resistant way to move. You’ll also receive a personalised program of home exercises designed to target your running form and technique.

Your initial session consists of a Running Gait Assessment. We video you running on the treadmill and then use the latest computer software to provide a detailed running gait analysis to see where asymmetries or weaknesses exist. In this session we also take you through a customised running movement screen to assess what exercises are required to assist you in running correctly. You may have mobility issues that need correcting or weaknesses that need addressing, or a combination of both. The movement screen allows us to accurately identify this and relate it back to your running technique.

Your run coach or therapist will use the results from your Running Gait Assessment to develop your personalised RunRight training program. The program is delivered over 8-10 weeks and includes 6 treadmill-based coaching sessions plus a tailored home exercise program. Your home program includes specific drills to help you build stronger technique as well as guidance on how to integrate this in to your normal runs.

1. Before and After RunRight

2. Before and After RunRight

3. Before and After RunRight

Each coaching session is 45 minutes long and you receive personal one-on-one attention from your coach. Sessions are fast paced, dynamic and fun. You will leave feeling like you’ve had a real workout, and also that you have gained a real understanding of what it ‘feels’ like to run correctly. In each session you will spend time running on the treadmill focusing on particular cue points as well time off the treadmill working on dynamic mobility, strength and technical exercises.

At the end of the 6 sessions we video you again and show you your initial and final videos side-by-side so that you can clearly see the improvements you’ve made. We may also video you at other stages through the program to help you see your progress and give you more feedback on refining your technique.

The RunRight program is ideal for runners of all abilities training for events such as 5km, 10km, City2Surf, half and full marathons. Because sessions are tailored specifically for your fitness level and running background we have trained everyone from first-time fun-runners through to serious competitors. Browse through the before-and-after videos above for examples of improvements we have made to people’s technique through the RunRight program.

Once you have completed your RunRight program we offer you some great options to keep improving your running performance.

Our Runfit classes are a fantastic way to push your running way past where you’ve been before. Embed your technique, push your cardio system to the limit, and have a heap of fun while you do it. Or join one of our Strength and Conditioning or Personal Training programs to build all-round physical strength as well as increase your running ability.

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click or call 9280 2322

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