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Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is used extensively in almost all areas of injury management and sports performance. It’s powerful effects are enjoyed by everyone from recreational to elite athletes as well as “office athletes” who need to reduce the stress and tension often felt from prolonged desk postures and work pressure. Recent research now shows that regular massage not only improves your physical health but also has great benefits for your mental health including coping better with stress and pressure plus improved concentration and mood.

The significant benefits you can gain from massage therapy include:

  • faster recovery from injury
  • relief from muscle tension and tightness
  • improved game-day performance and recovery
  • increased training capacity due to faster recovery from regular sessions
  • improved mental capabilities by reducing stress and increasing concentration

At Central Performance massage therapy integrates seamlessly with our other services. Importantly, we often harness it’s benefits to speed up and improve the results you gain from using our other services. By rapidly reducing muscle pain and tension it can allow your recovery and rehab program to progress more quickly, and our athletes are able to push their training harder because of the improved recovery they gain from regular massage.

Like many services, the benefits of massage therapy are highly dependant on the skill and expertise of the therapist. John Frick, our massage therapist at Central Performance, has a wealth of post-qualification education and experience working with international athletes and teams to maximise their training recovery as well as maintain peak performance throughout grueling tournaments and extended seasons. We believe that these great benefits should be available to everyone so John also has a large clientele of recreational exercisers and desk-workers who see massage as a great way to keep their bodies and minds in great shape to cope with all of life’s demands.

It’s all about you.

Every client has different goals and needs, and everyone’s body responds differently to the stresses and strains of life and exercise. This is why each massage at Central Performance is tailored just for you, adjusted for your goals and activities and fine-tuned for your current needs. We always check with you during your session to make sure the pressure is just right. The types of massage available at Central Performance include Sports Massage, Remedial Massage and Deep Tissue Massage

Sports Massage

All elite athletes who push their bodies to excel spend an equal amount of time on recovery as they do on training. All professional athletes do this because they know that without the proper recovery your performance will be reduced, you will be at a higher risk of injury and you will start to feel sluggish and sore. If the professionals use it as a vital part of their training and competition program, we believe you should too.

Remedial Massage and Deep Tissue Massage

Time spent staring at a screen when we’re at work, as we commute and when we’re at home causes stress and tension to build up in certain muscle groups. Commonly this causes pain and tightness in our neck, shoulders and back, and can often contribute to regular headaches. Muscle tension can also occur due to an acute injury or strain. During your remedial or deep tissue massage we assess which muscles need the most work and then systematically relieve tension using techniques including myofascial release, trigger point therapy and cupping. This leaves you feeling relaxed, flexible and revived. It can also speed up your progress in your physiotherapy, exercise physiology or strength and conditioning program.

How long is my session?

Most people have a 60 minute session initially so that we can:

  • Clarify your goals for massage therapy
  • Get to know any history of injury or lifestyle factors that may affect your treatment
  • Assess your body to identify priority areas to work on
  • Deliver your initial massage therapy session
  • Talk to you about your massage therapy plan and how it will achieve your goals

Sessions can be 30, 60 or 90 minutes long, depending on your needs. Many clients find that a 60 minute session is best because it allows specific problem areas to be worked on as well as doing preventative release work to stop tension and pain developing in other muscle groups.

Claiming through health funds

For your convenience we use the HICAPS system for on-the-spot health fund rebates. Most health funds cover massage therapy however please check with your fund to see if your particular membership includes this service. Please bring your health fund card with you.

To make an appointment please use our
online booking system or call us on 9280 2322

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